by Crawford | Squarespace Web Designer

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Creating Multiple Prices for Squarespace Courses

I run a course on Squarespace called Six Figure Design Club and my course sits within the Squarespace Courses platform. 

What I didn’t know about Squarespace Courses until recently was that you can set different pricing structures for different levels of course access.

For example, you might have members who pay different prices for different amounts of content. You might also have members who pay different amounts for the same content.

Some courses will set their prices based on the buyer, for example a business would pay more than an individual. 

If that sounds like you and you want to know how to set it up, keep reading.

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Within your course page, open up your edit dashboard and select Pricing Plans from the sidebar.

Click create pricing plan and you’ll be presented with an array of options and elements to fill in.

Within the pricing section you first need to set your main payment option, which will be 1 payment for the amount your course costs e.g. £1000.

You can then add a second payment option for 3 payments of £350 over 3 months. However, adding a second payment option is your limit. You can’t add anymore.

What you need to do therefore is simply add your first payment option and hit create, creating your pricing plan.

You can then create a new pricing plan where you change the fixed amount, for example you may want to charge businesses £1500 instead of £1000. Set your payment option and don’t forget to change the name of this pricing plan to something relevant e.g. “business plan” and hit create.

Within each pricing plan you can also set the included content, allowing you to change what content each pricing plan has access to if you want to create different tiers of course content for different members, based on how much they pay.

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Once you’ve set your pricing plans the best way to display them is on a sales page. Add a digital products page to your website and add as many digital product blocks to the page that you need.

For each individual digital product block you can then select a pricing plan and display all of your pricing plan options on the page.

And that’s how you create multiple prices for Squarespace courses. If you enjoyed this article and want to learn more about Squarespace, be sure to check out the rest of my expert tutorials.

Your designer

I'm Sam, an award-winning Squarespace web designer. I have worked with every type of business, building platforms for solo entrepreneurs through to multi-million dollar corporations. If you want to discuss a potential project, you can email on or get in touch with me here. Alternatively, you can book in a free 15-minute consultation call here.

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