by Crawford | Squarespace Web Designer

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How to Customize Your Squarespace Blog Layout: 2024 Guide

Your blog is your chance to share your insights and opinions with the world; however, it won’t impact your readers if they can’t find what they’re looking for. That’s why it’s essential to customize your Squarespace blog layout to give it some pizazz and ensure visitors can navigate it easily.

Don’t worry — even if you aren’t a coding expert, you can still give your Squarespace blog a look that best reflects who you are and what your blog is about. In this guide, I’ll walk you through how to change blog layout in Squarespace, discussing everything from the various layout formats to how you can assess layout performance. You can also book a call with me to help you with your Squarespace website design if you find the process daunting.

To get the ball rolling, I’ll start by providing an overview of how blog layouts work in Squarespace.

Understanding Squarespace Blog Layout Options

Once you understand how no-code websites like Squarespace work and their structure, customizing your blog post layout becomes relatively straightforward. Squarespace allows you to craft a unique look for your blog with various layout options, each designed specifically for different types of content.

The key to successfully customizing your blog’s layout is understanding which type of layout best suits the type of content you want to share.

For instance, a masonry grid layout would be the perfect Squarespace blog example if you’re looking to showcase many high-quality images on your blog. On the other hand, if you need to provide explicit textual content such as long-form articles or tutorials, then using a text-centric layout like a single column or two columns could be ideal.

Once you know which type of layout will work best for your blog content, you can head right into the Squarespace blog layout design process!

Squarespace provides a wide range of customization options that allow you to easily adjust the size and placement of elements within your chosen design. In addition, it’s also possible to further customize the look and feel of your site by adding custom CSS code.

Designing Your Squarespace Blog Page’s Layout for Maximum Impact

The layout of your individual blog posts significantly influences how your users interact with your content. By getting the layout right, you can deliver an experience that will leave a lasting impression on your visitors.

So, how can you achieve maximum impact with your Squarespace blog layout?

Here are some tips:

  • Choose a font styling and color scheme that fits your website’s overall aesthetic and matches your content’s tone.

  • Utilize page sections like banners, grids, or images to visually highlight and tie posts together.

  • Use menus or featured post links to showcase content you want readers to access quickly.

  • Add related posts at the end of each post so visitors can explore more content from you.

By taking advantage of these design features, you can create a unique and memorable blog experience for your audience.

Understand that it’s not about having the flashiest design; it’s more about having one that complements your brand identity and makes it easy for readers to navigate and read your articles.

Tip: I’ve compiled a collection of resources to aid DIY Squarespace designers. Use my specially curated Squarespace website design toolkit to supercharge your blog layout design. Also, website owners who are looking to exploit the potential of blogging with Squarespace will find this guide insightful.

Customizing Your Squarespace Blog Layout Design

Are you ready to customize your Squarespace blogging page layout for maximum impact?

There are plenty of ways to do this, so here are some tips to help you make the most of your blog design!

  1. Change the layout.

  2. Add graphics.

  3. Adjust fonts and colors.

1. Change the layout

You can change your Squarespace blog page layout by editing the blog page section.

Start by navigating to “Pages.”

Select the Blog page, and click the “EDIT” button.

Hover over your blog section and select “EDIT SECTION.”

Under “Format” >>> “Layout,” select any of the following:

  • Basic Grid Blog

  • Side By Side Blog

  • Single Column Blog

  • Masonry Blog

  • Alternating Side By Side Blog

Save your changes when done.

Note: I’ll expound on the differences between each Squarespace blog layout later in this guide, so keep reading.

2. Add graphics

Adding visuals to your blog posts can add impact and make them more attractive. You can upload images and graphics through the built-in image uploader or embed videos from YouTube or Vimeo. You might also consider adding a header or background image to give your post a unique look.

Check out these posts on adding vertical videos on Squarespace and resizing image backgrounds on mobile Squarespace for helpful tips regarding graphics use.

3. Adjust fonts and colors

The Squarespace “Style Editor” allows you to customize fonts and colors as well as text sizes for headings and paragraphs for better readability.

Simply hit the “Brush” icon while editing a page to get the ball rolling.

One thing I love the most about Squarespace is its rich font catalog, allowing you to find something that aligns perfectly with your brand. And if you ever change your mind about the font or color scheme, switching it up again is easy until you get it right.

How Do the Squarespace Blog Layout Options Differ?

Here are the distinctions between each Squarespace blog layout design style:

1. Basic Grid Blog

This layout displays your blog posts in a simple grid format, with each post appearing as a thumbnail image along with the post title and excerpt. The grid is usually set to a fixed number of columns, but you can adjust it to fit your preferences.

2. Side By Side Blog

This layout features two columns, with each post appearing side by side in a thumbnail image format. This layout is excellent for displaying blog posts with images, as the images are given a prominent placement.

3. Single Column Blog

As the name suggests, this layout displays your blog posts in a single column, each appearing in a full-width format. It’s great for displaying long-form blog posts, as it allows for a lot of text without making the page feel cluttered.

4. Masonry Blog

This layout features a Pinterest-style masonry grid, displaying each post in different sizes and shapes. The layout is designed to create a visually exciting display of your blog posts and is particularly suited to blogs with much image-based content.

5. Alternating Side By Side Blog

This layout is similar to the Side By Side Blog layout but with alternating posts displayed on the left and right sides of the page. More particularly, it creates a more visually exciting display than the Side By Side Blog layout and is particularly suited to blogs with much image-based content.

Each of these layouts has its peculiar perks, depending on the type of content you want to display and the overall aesthetic you’re going for. You can choose the layout that suits your needs and customize it further using Squarespace’s built-in tools. For example, you could introduce unique fonts to match your brand.

Adding Custom Fonts to Your Squarespace Blog

Custom fonts are a great way to achieve customization for your blogs on Squarespace — they help your content stand out and grab readers’ attention. Whether you’re looking for something unique or simply want a new look, Squarespace has plenty of options for you to choose from.

When it comes to customizing fonts for your Squarespace blog, there are two main things you need to consider:

  • Web-safe fonts

  • Web fonts

Web-safe fonts should be used whenever possible as they’re already pre-installed on most computers and browsers — this means they’ll load quickly and reliably. On the other hand, web fonts require additional code to be loaded from an external source but offer a much more comprehensive selection of typefaces.

You can easily add each font type from the Squarespace “Site Styles” panel.

Simply navigate to “Design” >>> “Site styles,” and select “Fonts.”

Squarespace has all the web-safe fonts installed, including around 600 Google and 1,000 Adobe fonts. Simply search and select your choice.

However, there’s more — you can add a custom font if you don’t find it among the pre-installed Squarespace fonts. Follow this simple guide on uploading custom fonts to get started. Another way to tweak your blog layout on Squarespace is to craft an attractive sidebar., as we’ll see below!

Creating a Visually Appealing Squarespace Sidebar

You can have a custom blog sidebar on your Squarespace blog with just a few clicks. And with an extra few clicks, you can customize your sidebar to reflect your site’s overall look and feel.

Here’s how you can make the most of your sidebar:

  1. Add images

  2. Incorporate social media

  3. Include opt-in contact forms

  4. Add categories and tags

1. Add images.

Adding a custom or featured image to your sidebar is a great way to draw attention to important information and topics in your blog. You can upload images or select from Squarespace’s pre-made backgrounds library.

2. Incorporate social media

Social media links in your sidebar make connecting with visitors on multiple platforms easier. And if they like something they see, they can use those links to share your content across their networks, further boosting your online visibility.

3. Include opt-in contact forms

Opt-in contact forms are an essential part of any blog — you want people who visit your site to be able to subscribe so that you can reach them again in the future. The good thing is that Squarespace makes adding an opt-in form directly into a sidebar easy, so you don’t have to worry about creating one yourself.

4. Add categories and tags

Adding blog categories and tags to the sidebar will make it easier for readers to explore topics that interest them without scrolling through pages and pages. This creates a more personalized reading experience and will help keep people engaged with your blog for extended periods.

Just like the sidebar, the footer is another excellent opportunity to transform your blog layout on Squarespace.

How to Create a Custom Footer on Your Squarespace Blog

You might wonder if your Squarespace blog layout can feature a custom footer. If so, I’m pleased to inform you that it’s possible, and most of all, it’s not too tricky. I’ll explain below.

Begin by removing any “Made with Squarespace” or “Powered by Squarespace” text by following the steps in this guide.

You’ll see an empty text block if your footer has no content. You can’t remove it, but you can add content to it.

To add content to the footer, access the “EDIT FOOTER” button by hovering over the footer area when editing a page.

Click the “+ ADD BLOCK” button to add blocks, or click an insert point to add sections using the classic editor.

Note: You can introduce footer-style or blank block sections to the footer but can’t add other section types.

Once you’ve added content to the footer, click “SAVE” to save your changes.

In Squarespace version 7.0, some templates, such as Pacific and Bedford, may feature an optional second site-wide footer known as a “pre-footer.” To edit the pre-footer, hover over the pre-footer area and click “EDIT” in the annotation, then follow the same steps as adding content to a footer.

Note: If you eliminate all content from the pre-footer, visitors won’t see it. However, the space/section for it will still be visible to you when editing your site.

Certain templates also feature an extra option for page-specific footers known as “page footers.” However, these aren’t site-wide and only appear on the page where you introduced them.

Now, how you present your layout design to users really matters when you create a blog on a website. A good layout design must adhere to some basic UX principles, which are discussed in the next section.

7 UX Pillars for a Result-Driven Squarespace Blog Layout Design

Creating a user-friendly blog layout is essential for keeping visitors engaged and on your site longer. A good user experience (UX) can lead to increased readership, lower bounce rates, and a stronger online presence.

Here are 7 areas to focus on when designing a blog layout that enhances readability and user engagement:

  1. Simplicity: A clean and straightforward design helps readers focus on your content without distractions. Avoid clutter by minimizing the use of excessive colors, fonts, and animations. A simple layout with a clear content hierarchy allows users to navigate your blog seamlessly.

  2. Whitespace: Embrace the use of whitespace, or negative space, around text and between design elements. Whitespace helps prevent your blog from feeling cramped and overwhelming, which can improve comprehension and reduce reader fatigue.

  3. Readable Text: The layout should enhance the readability of your content. Choose fonts and colors that are easy on the eyes, and use adequate spacing between lines and paragraphs. Break up large blocks of text with bullet points or numbered lists, and keep paragraphs short. Enhanced readability reduces bounce rates and can improve your rankings.

  4. Consistent Layout: Use a consistent layout for all your blog posts. This includes the placement of your logo, navigation menu, search bar, and social sharing buttons. Consistency helps users learn the structure of your site, making it easier for them to find what they're looking for.

  5. Scannable Content: Most visitors scan content before deciding to read it thoroughly. Use bullet points, numbered lists, and bold keywords to highlight important information. Breaking up text with images, quotes, or infographics can also aid in scanning and add visual interest.

  6. Content Above the Fold: Place your most important content “above the fold,” meaning the portion of the webpage visible without scrolling. This area should include compelling content to engage readers and encourage them to explore further.

  7. Interactive Elements: Incorporate interactive elements like comment sections, polls, or quizzes to encourage user participation and engagement. These features can make your blog feel more like a community and keep visitors on your site longer.

By focusing on these UX design principles, you can create a Squarespace blog layout that is not only appealing to the eye but also functional and easy to navigate. You should also consider some basic SEO principles when designing layouts. They help improve your search engine rankings, which is how users get to see your website online in the first place.

5 Key SEO Aspects for a Stellar Squarespace Blog Layout

When it comes to optimizing your Squarespace blog for search engines, the layout choices you make can have a significant impact on your SEO performance. A well-structured, clean, and engaging blog layout not only provides a better user experience but also helps search engines understand and rank your content effectively.

Here are 5 essential SEO areas to focus on when designing a blog layout on Squarespace:

  1. Mobile Responsiveness: Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites, so it's crucial to ensure your blog layout is responsive. Squarespace templates are designed to be mobile-responsive, but you should still test your blog on various devices to ensure that it looks and functions well. This includes checking load times, image display, and ease of navigation on smartphones and tablets.

  2. Content Hierarchy: A clear hierarchy helps search engines understand the relative importance of content on your page. Use headers (H1, H2, H3) effectively to structure your articles. Your main blog post titles should be an H1 tag, and subsequent subheadings should use H2 and H3 tags. This not only organizes content for readers but also gives search engines clear signals about your topic structure.

  3. Navigation and Internal Linking: An intuitive navigation system helps users and search engines find your content. Include a search bar, categories, or a tag cloud to help visitors locate posts from the blog's landing page. Use internal linking wisely to guide readers to related content and keep them engaged longer on your site. This not only boosts user experience but also spreads “link equity/link juice” around your blog.

  4. Loading Speed: Page speed is a ranking factor, so ensure your blog loads quickly. Optimize images and avoid unnecessary widgets or plugins that can slow down your site. Squarespace compresses images automatically, but it's still important to upload images at a recommended resolution of about 1500 to 2500 pixels.

  5. Social Sharing: Make it easy for readers to share your content by including social sharing buttons wherever it makes sense in your layout. Social signals don’t directly impact SEO rankings, but shared content increases visibility, drives traffic, and can lead to more backlinks, which is an important ranking factor.

By focusing on these SEO aspects, you can create a blog layout that is not only user-friendly but also optimized for search engines, enhancing your chances of ranking higher and reaching a larger audience. Remember, the goal is to align the aesthetic appeal of your blog with the technical requirements of SEO to achieve the best of both worlds.

That said, how do you test the performance of your blog layouts? Continue reading as I explore Squarespace Analytics capabilities.

How to Use Squarespace Analytics to Gauge Layout Performance

Tweaking your Squarespace blog layout design while implementing UX- and SEO-focused strategies is key to success. However, you need to measure these successes to determine if your changes have helped your blog or impacted it negatively.

You don’t need any special tools for this; here are the different metrics you can track with the in-built Squarespace Analytics:

  1. Traffic Overview: Start by examining the Traffic Overview to see how many users are visiting your blog. Look for trends in daily, weekly, and monthly visits to understand when your blog is most frequented. If you notice spikes in traffic after a redesign, this could indicate that the new layout is more engaging.

  2. Content Analytics: This section is particularly telling about how many posts are performing well. You can see which posts are most popular, how long visitors are staying on them, and the number of shares they're getting. If posts with certain layouts consistently outperform others, it's a sign that those design elements resonate with your audience.

  3. Geography: Understanding where your visitors are coming from can also influence design decisions. Different cultures have different aesthetic preferences and browsing habits. For example, if a significant portion of your audience comes from a region where mobile usage is predominant, a mobile-first design approach might be necessary.

  4. Mobile Usage: Speaking of mobile, Squarespace's Mobile Usage statistics show you how many visitors are accessing your blog via mobile devices. A high percentage of mobile users means your blog layout must be responsive and mobile-friendly. If mobile users have high bounce rates, it could indicate that your mobile layout needs improvement.

  5. Referrers: This metric tells you where your traffic is coming from. If you're getting a lot of traffic from social media, ensure that your blog layout includes easily accessible social sharing buttons. If most traffic comes from search engines, pay special attention to SEO elements within your layout, as discussed above.

  6. Engagement: Examine the time spent on your site and the bounce rate. A high bounce rate might suggest that visitors aren't finding what they expect or that the layout is confusing. If certain layouts lead to longer average visit durations, it's a good indication that those layouts are more engaging.

  7. Conversion Rates: If your blog's purpose includes converting visitors into subscribers or customers, then you'll want to pay close attention to conversion rates. Analyze if changes in your layout affect these rates. For example, does adding a sign-up button at the top of the page increase newsletter subscriptions?

By closely monitoring these analytics, you can start to draw correlations between changes in your Squarespace blog layout and the behavior of your visitors. Look for patterns and consider A/B testing different layouts to see which performs best. If you need help with your blog layout design or require a site design overhaul, I can help you achieve your desired results by exploiting my several years of experience designing Squarespace websites. Contact me now to discuss your project requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Squarespace good for a blog?

Yes, Squarespace is a good platform for blogging, and for several reasons. For one, it’s user-friendly and offers all the essential features to create a successful blog. Moreover, Squarespace is SEO-friendly, which can help your blog appear on search engines. However, there are other great options, like WordPress, as discussed in this comparison article.

Does Squarespace have a blog template?

Yes, Squarespace offers several blog templates that users can choose from to create and customize their blogs on the platform. These templates provide various layouts and designs that can be tailored to fit the user’s branding and content needs. Just describe what you want to achieve with your blog while creating a Squarespace website, and you’ll have curated recommendations.

What is the best Squarespace template for a blog?

The best Squarespace template for a blog depends on the type of blog you’re creating.

Some popular options are as follows:

  • Brower: For a business blog.

  • Farro: For a food blog.

  • Skye: For a lifestyle blog.

  • Rally: For a personal blog.

  • Tudor: For a review blog.

  • Haute: For a fashion blog.

  • Native: For a photography blog.

  • Fillmore: For a travel blog.

Ultimately, the best template is one that fits the style and goals of your blog.


Customizing your Squarespace blog layout is relatively straightforward, and the world of design possibilities it opens gives you a fantastic range of options. Not only can you ensure a consistent experience across your website, but you can also make sure you’re putting your best foot forward to create an organized, eye-catching look that effectively conveys your message to readers.

By now, you should feel confident about being able to customize your Squarespace blog layout for maximum impact. However, if you’re still feeling left out, you can contact me. I’m a Squarespace website designer with extensive experience designing websites for both big and small organizations. You can browse through my portfolio of previous work to explore my expertise.

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I'm Sam, an award-winning Squarespace web designer. I have worked with every type of business, building platforms for solo entrepreneurs through to multi-million dollar corporations. If you want to discuss a potential project, you can email on or get in touch with me here. Alternatively, you can book in a free 15-minute consultation call here.

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