by Crawford | Squarespace Web Designer

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Are Squarespace Analytics Good? [Dashboard Deep Dive]

If you want to monitor how well your website is performing then you need to keep an eye on your analytics.

Squarespace has in-built analytics but are they any good?

In this article I’ll talk you through Squarespace analytics and what they tell you. 

It is worth noting that while I do think Squarespace analytics are useful, they aren’t a patch on Google Analytics. I always recommend hooking up Google Analytics to your site too, for the very best stats.

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Within your Squarespace dashboard head to Analytics. This is where, believe it or not, you’ll find your Squarespace website analytics.

You’ll be presented with four tabs that cover traffic, traffic sources, search keywords and geography.

The traffic tab will break down your website traffic for you. You can see how many visitors your website is getting as well as intel such as the type of device they’re using to visit your website.

You can break the data down further by changing the date range, allowing you to look at daily, weekly, monthly and annual visits.

Traffic sources will break down where your website visitors are coming from e.g. from search, from direct URL input, social media, referrals etc. It’s always handy to know where your traffic is coming from in order to know what’s working and what’s not e.g. your SEO and email campaigns.

The search keywords tab will tell you how you’re performing in search. You’ll need to link this with your Google Search Console in order to get the right data, but once done you can see what keywords you’re ranking for, what pages are ranking well and what your click through and bounce rates are.

The geography tab breaks down the location of your website visitors, allowing you to see what country they’re based in. This is really useful if you’re targeting an audience in a specific country. 

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If you’re running an ecommerce website then there’s also a sales section which will break down your sales data including how many sales you’ve made and how many people are abandoning their carts.

Another great stat to check is the engagement. Here you’ll be able to see what content is getting the most engagement from users. 

This is particularly useful if you publish blog content on your website as it allows you to see which content is engaging users and performing well. You can then use this intel to create similar content in the future.

As you can see, Squarespace analytics can offer some great intel into how your website is performing. For many people this will be more than enough, but if you need deeper insight, be sure to hook up Google Analytics to your website too.

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I'm Sam, an award-winning Squarespace web designer. I have worked with every type of business, building platforms for solo entrepreneurs through to multi-million dollar corporations. If you want to discuss a potential project, you can email on or get in touch with me here. Alternatively, you can book in a free 15-minute consultation call here.

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