How to Host Your Podcast on Squarespace

Every man and his dog has a podcast these days. And while I’m an avid podcast listener (and have even popped up in a few myself) one thing I notice time and time again is that podcasters seem to overlook the power of a website.

Many seem to think that just being on Spotify or Apple Podcasts is enough. What they need however is a strong web presence too.

Luckily, Squarespace makes it super easy to host a podcast on your own website. So let’s get stuck in…

Watch the video

Check out the YouTube video below 👇

There are a few different ways you can host your podcast on Squarespace. First things first you need to create a page on your website where you want your podcast to sit. 

Once you have your page you can add your podcast in one of the following ways:

Add an audio block to your page and embed your file into the block. You do this by double clicking the block and uploading your file in the panel that appears. You can also give every file a title and author. In the design tab you can also edit the design of the block including adding a section to allow users to download the podcast. You then just need to duplicate the audio block and add each episode of your podcast to a block. Easy.

Adding an audio block to Squarespace
Uploading an audio file to Squarespace
Duplicate a block on Squarespace

Another way to add your podcast to your Squarespace website is to add an embed block to your page and embed your podcast. To do this you’ll need to head to Spotify, select the podcast episode and click the three dots that appear next to it. Select Share > Embed Episode.

Embed Spotify podcast on Squarespace

You’ll be able to edit the appearance of your podcast embed in Spotify and then copy the embed code and paste it into your embed block on Squarespace. You need to paste the embed code into the code snippet tab. Again, hit duplicate and simply change the embed code to a new episode to list as many as you want on your page.

Embed Spotify podcast on Squarespace
Embed Spotify podcast on Squarespace

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The final option is to embed the entire podcast playlist. Again you’ll need to use an embed block and you’ll need to head to your podcast platform of choice (we’ll use Apple Podcasts for this example) and click on the main podcast page. Follow the same process, clicking the three dots and Share > Embed and then copying the embed code.

You then need to paste it into your code snippet tab on Squarespace. This allows you to add your full podcast playlist to your page in one block, rather than adding one block per episode.

Embed Apple Podcasts podcast on Squarespace

Whichever option you choose, they’re all great ways of sharing your podcast on your Squarespace website and ensuring there is one central online hub for your podcast!

Your designer

I'm Sam, an award-winning Squarespace web designer. I have worked with every type of business, building platforms for solo entrepreneurs through to multi-million dollar corporations. If you want to discuss a potential project, you can email on or get in touch with me here. Alternatively, you can book in a free 15-minute consultation call here.

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Sam Crawford

This article was written by Sam Crawford, one of the world’s leading Squarespace website designers.

Sam is an official Squarespace Expert, official Squarespace Partner, official Squarespace Community Leader, official Squarespace blog contributor, official Squarespace panelist, Squarespace educator and multi-award winning Squarespace designer.

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